Praha 3, Czech Republic
Forme clinic is a surgical treatment clinic with a combined team of exceptional specialists in their various fields. They are, committed to bring out the confidence in you for your comfort, convenience, health and safety. The team at forme Clinic links together in total harmony, therefore building the best background for each individual client.
Forme Clinic offers its clients the opportunity to feel good, the clinic is dedicated to working rigorously to provide the best and safest procedures for each individual client, Forme is steadfast in making every client visit to its clinic to be a not calm and convenient because of the pleasurable atmosphere and high standard service, but also due to the proficiency and professional tactic of its doctors, sociability and enthusiasm of its managers, or smile and loving care nurses.
Forme clinic tries to understand patient’s needs and respect the individuality of every patient, trying to tune in on patient’s wave and ensure that patients get an astonishing intervention and consequently throughout patients stay in the clinic, to ensure the clients get a really nice feeling and contented with the results and believing that even with the outlook of another visit.
The clinic is well know for its breast augmentation procedures and other face lifting.
Services provides by Forme Clinic to its clients:
•Taxi: after interventions in general and local anaesthesia, the clinic organizes pick-client taxis within Prague free.
•Instalments: the clinic’s financial advisors will help arrange everything from the comfort of its client’s home.
•all-inclusive: prices are final and all-inclusive.
•under one roof: all activities connected with the surgical operation are carried out in one place.
•Wi-Fi: the entire clinic has a Wi-Fi signal coverage.
•Consultation: Forme clinic offers consultation to its clientsvfree of charge and without obligation!
•The clinic communicates in Czech, English and German.
•Tablet with Wi-Fi: tablet with wireless Internet access are provided for hospitalized clients.
•Online Consultation: online consultation is free.
Medical Team
Hotel Room