The January 2025 average cost of All on 4 cheap price is 6700 €
The January 2025 Price range is 6700 €
The typical average cost and price range for All on 4 cheap price are taken from 286 Clinic prices and fee lists among 1573 Doctors.
Clinic | Average/As of Price |
Estúdio Oral, ( Portugal) | 8500€ |
Saluss Clinic, ( Turkey) | 4900€ |
The "All on 4" dental implant cheap price is an "all on 4" dental implant system optimized with a package offer. The protocol is the same as a standard all on four but it includes a package with accomodation in some cases. Dental implants are in titanium and dental crowns have to be double checked in each case but most of the time if the dental clinic has its own dental laboratory the dental crowns are in zirconium. The package means extractions, consultations, temporary crowns and x-rays are included.
In average the price for All on 4 cheap price includes 4 services. All data and prices are for information purposes only and are only one criteria in your decision making. A proper quotation (without transportation) with your medical records shall only reflect the final price unless you opt for a package price.
Our comparison table lists the clinics that have the January 2025 lowest and highest price offers for All on 4 cheap price.
Please click on the Ask/Book button of a clinic in order to have more information, get a quote with details or even book a procedure directly. This clinic list shows the most requested treatments and is not exhaustive as some clinics might not disclose their prices and as some treatments might have some related treatments.We advise you to contact us for in order to have a proper quotation, be able to answer your questions, get the final real price (transportation and accommodation as well – please bear in mind that it costs in average much less than 10% of the given treatment price.
Istanbul, Turkey
PORTO, Portugal