O custo médio em janeiro de 2025 de Blefaroplastia em Polônia é 1954 €
Clínica | Preço médio / a partir do preço |
Haldent ( Rodziny Poganów 106C, 32-080, Krakow) | de 1200€ |
Invicta Clinic ( Złota 6, 00-019, Warszawa) | de 1900€ |
Optimum Clinic ( Władysława Broniewskiego 3, 01-785, Warsaw) | de 1500€ |
Radosc Clinic ( Patriotów 181, 04-881, Warszawa - Wawer) | de 1500€ |
Gyncentrum Clinic ( Żelazna 1, 40-851, Katowice) | de 1500€ |
Skopia Clinic ( Josepha Conrada 79, 31-357, Kraków) | de 1900€ |
Gizinscy Clinic ( Leśna 9A, Bydgoszcz, 85-676, Warsaw) | de 1900€ |
A blefaroplastia é um procedimento cirúrgico que visa melhorar a aparência das pálpebras, removendo o excesso de pele, músculos e gordura das pálpebras superiores e/ou inferiores. Este procedimento pode ajudar a rejuvenescer a área dos olhos, reduzir o inchaço e criar uma aparência mais jovem e renovada.
O protocolo para blefaroplastia começa com uma consulta online baseada em fotos. O cirurgião plástico ou oftalmologista certificado, especializado em cirurgia de pálpebras. Durante esta consulta, o cirurgião avaliará seu histórico médico, avaliará a anatomia das pálpebras, discutirá seus objetivos e expectativas e determinará se você é um candidato adequado para a blefaroplastia. Anestesia: A blefaroplastia normalmente é realizada sob anestesia local com sedação ou anestesia geral, dependendo da extensão do procedimento e das preferências do paciente.
O cirurgião fará incisões cuidadosamente colocadas ao longo das dobras naturais das pálpebras para minimizar cicatrizes visíveis. Para a cirurgia da pálpebra superior, as incisões são normalmente feitas na dobra natural da pálpebra, enquanto para a cirurgia da pálpebra inferior, as incisões podem ser feitas logo abaixo da linha dos cílios inferiores ou dentro da pálpebra inferior (abordagem transconjuntival). O excesso de pele, músculos e gordura são cuidadosamente extirpados ou reposicionados para melhorar o contorno e a aparência das pálpebras. O cirurgião pode utilizar técnicas como corte, escultura ou sutura para obter os resultados desejados. Fechamento: Feitos os ajustes teciduais, as incisões são fechadas com suturas finas ou adesivo cirúrgico. Cuidado especial é tomado para garantir o alinhamento e a tensão adequados da pele para minimizar cicatrizes e otimizar a cicatrização.
O que influencia o preço de uma blefaroplastia é a localização (país) + se tem que fazer as pálpebras superiores e inferiores + o tipo de anestesia + o protocolo exigido pela clínica (tempo de internação).
O ideal é que seja nas partes superior e inferior sob anestesia local com no máximo um dia de hotel. A blefaroplastia é um procedimento seguro e eficaz para rejuvenescer as pálpebras e melhorar a estética facial.
O sistema de saúde na Polónia é muito flexível. Com mais de 1200 clínicas e hospitais, a Polónia é um dos países líderes em termos de oferta médica na Europa. Cerca de um terço dos hospitais são privados e você encontrará milhares de médicos e dentistas atuando sozinhos. A odontologia e a cirurgia plástica são os tratamentos mais procurados na Polónia. Alguns também optam por cirurgias de rotina, como ortopedia, mas também cirurgias bariátricas ou fertilização in vitro, graças a uma regulamentação favorável.
All the races tend to have specific facial and body structures that established them apart from others. In most cases, people from every race are happy to have these "bodily distinctions" and wear them with pride, but in other situations, some facial features can result uncomfortable and unattractive.
For example, Asian people have a puffy upper lid with a very small crease that may difficult the opening of the eye or applying makeup (specially the eyeliner). Although most Asian people are happy with their element, in some cases, the top lid becomes saggy and it is necessary to lower it to improve the vision and make some daily activities easier.
The Asian blepharoplasty (also called double-eyelid surgery), is defined by the MedScape experts as the surgical procedure destined to create a pretarsal crease in those Asian people who don’t have one. By creating this fold, the patient will have a fresher look and a better visual field because the plastic surgeon removes all the extra fat tissue and the puffy higher lid will look thinner.
It is important to highlight that this procedure is not performed to westernize the patient's appearance or modify his/her ethnic factor, the surgeon only looks for improvement in the individuals' upper eyelid appearance.
In general terms, experts recommend the Asian blepharoplasty for Asian people (as its name says) because 50% of Polandese, Chinese and Korean people do not have a pretarsal crease. However, in some instances, people of other ethnicities may be born without a pretarsal crease in one or both eyes, so they can also benefit from this procedure.
It is necessary to know that most surgeons recommend undergoing an Asian blepharoplasty when the upper lid is too fatty and it results annoying to apply eyeliner or even to open the eyes. Likewise, when Asian people get old, the upper lid loses its extra fat tissue and turns into saggy and this can reduce the patient’s visual field.
The experts say that the sufferers who usually request for this procedure are Asian women who are younger than 20 years. However, it is also common in Asian guys between 20 and 30 years.
Finally, those who have undergone an Asian blepharoplasty in their youth, but the aging process provides altered the upper lid aspect, can undergo this procedure to recover a more youthful look.
In Asian people, the normal height of the top lid crease is between 8 and 10 mm from the lash line, which is lower than the normal location of this crease in non-Asian people. Similarly, the aponeurosis or cells where the higher eyelid levator muscle tissue gets inserted is leaner and can join the eyelid dermis or not, which creates a lower crease or not really crease at all.
To perform an Asian blepharoplasty, the individual will be under local anesthesia and sedation, or general anesthesia. As it was explained before, Asian folks have a different joint between the eyelid dermis and the levator aponeurosis, so during an Asian blepharoplasty, the cosmetic surgeon will fix and elevate the union between these structures to create a correct pretarsal crease.
Likewise, the plastic surgeon will remove all of the extra fat tissue that can alter the upper eyelid appearance. Generally, the cosmetic surgeon uses non-absorbable sutures in the inner area of the eyelid to produce a long-long lasting result (please follow the link to read on Cosmetic Surgery Consultation).
In additional cases, the plastic surgeon creates an external incision to remove the fat tissue and create a pretarsal fold. Finally, the cosmetic surgeon can use a hybrid technique during the Asian blepharoplasty, which, as its name says, combines the various other two techniques.
Only a qualified surgeon can determine the easiest way of treatment for each patient. It is also important to know that although the Asian blepharoplasty is considered a safe treatment (with little odds of complications), the individual is not exempt from suffering bleeding, illness of the manipulated area, scarring, among others.
The expense of an Asian blepharoplasty will vary according to the reason why the procedure will be performed, the patient’s age and general health condition, the amount of skin and fat tissue that must be removed, the type of anesthesia which will be used (general or local), amongst others.