Tummy tuck abroad, cost guide per country

Tummy tuck abroad, cost guide

You can put Tummy Tuck into consideration in case you have more than enough loose skin and fat around your tummy and all attempts such as eating a healthy diet and doing regular exercise have failed you in getting your aim and objectives.

Another name for a tummy tuck is abdominoplasty and it is the surgical procedure which is used to flatten the abdomen by getting rid of unwanted excess loose and tightening the muscles of the wall of the protruding abdomen, which results in a smoother, tighter and new slimmer you. When you decide on tummy tuck, it is important for you to remember that it is a liposuction surgery together with skin and muscle surery  performed under general anesthesia. 

How much does a tummy tuck cost in 2024?

The average cost of a tummy tuck is 4828$ worldwide.

Main tummy tuck costs in some countries

Here are some average first tummy tuck prices in main countries including all services without accomodation in 2024.

Cost of a tummy tuck in India2320$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Tunisia2530$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Lithuania3200$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Sri Lanka2780$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Hungary3700$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Poland4900$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Turkey3900$
Cost of a tummy tuck in France5200$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Belgium5200$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Mexico5800$
Cost of a tummy tuck in Israel14200$


This average cost is only part of the total price unless this is a local procedure.

These costs are just provided as examples though you might find very good tummy tuck cost in Egypt for instance with JCI accredited clinics.

A surgeon's fee for tummy tuck surgery will be based on his or her experience, the type of procedure used and the geographic office location.

Most health insurance plans do not cover tummy tuck surgery or its complications, but you can easily double check that.

The tummy tuck surgery is divided into two which can either be a partial or a complete procedure.

Some clinics divide the procedure into mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck. The type of procedure will then affect the final price.

The Complete Tummy Tuck (Full Tummy Tuck)

This type of tummy tuck surgery is done under general anesthesia and lasts up to three hours before it is completed. During this procedure, the surgeon makes a long cut to the skin of the lower abdomen and another cut will be made in order to free the navel. Then, the excess skin will be raised by the surgeon in order to have access to the abdominal muscles, pulling them together and they will be stitched into a new position in order to form a firmer abdominal wall. Then, all excess skin is removed and a new navel will be created. Before a slender waist can be achieved, the incisions will be stitched together.

The Partial Tummy Tuck (Mini Tummy Tuck)

This is the second type of the tummy tuck surgery and it is used where the repair of the abdominal needed. It is also performed under general anesthesia and usually lasts up to 2 hours. In this case, the navel is not repositioned and in general, only a small incision is made somewhere above the pubic region. The skin is then pulled down; the excess fat will be removed and then stitched back together.

The procedure is done the same way abroad as in your home countr, processes, clinic compliance etc are the same provided that it is a JCI or ISO certified clinic that will enable to assess the quality of the work done.

What affect the cost of a tummy tuck procedure?

The first factor that affects the cost of an abdominoplasty, which is rarely explained, is the location of the clinic itself. The country where the tummy tuck is performed is by far the main factor, it can from less than 2000$ in North Africa or India up to 25000$ in Israel or some parts of the USA.

What goes with it is the currency factor. From one year to another currencies may vary up to 50% and so may greatly impact your procedure cost. In Egypt the currency has dropped by 50% in one day, in Turkey the Pound has dropped by 30% against the Dollar. So it is easy to understand that you may save easily the amount of the decrease with the same percentage.

The second criteria is the clinic pricing policy. You may have differences from 1 to 4 in the same area or city. Prices are free and apart from some hospital fixed prices to be refunded by National Health System (for some reasons) ranges of prices are very different.


The third factor that influences the final price is the clinic premises policy, in the bottom line the premises cost together with the equipment and medical team is the main factor that will affect the price. Hence the clinic cost management directly influences your tummy tuck procedure.

If you are about to go abroad or to travel from your home to get a tummy tuck procedure then the location matters and so affects by about 15% the cost of your tummy tuck. The protocols are the same everywhere, you have to stay in the clinic one or two nights and then see a second time your surgeon several days after. That means that if you are abroad or need to travel for the procedure, the protocol would be in average one or two maximum nights in the clinics and then between 5 to 8 days in an hotel. The protocol being that you are free after the clinic's night to do what you want provided you stay around the area of the clinic (most patients like to take the opportunity to visit beautiful towns such as Budapest, Tunis, Istanbul, Vilnius, Mexico etc) and come back the last to get a letter of discharge from the surgeon that performed your abdominoplasty.

So the five to six days in hotel cost is to be added (but it is often included in packages) to the final prices. Experience shows that patients that choose these protocol save money because if you are about to travel for your tummy tuck procedure it means it is worth for costs reasons and other personal reasons.

The other variant or option that will affect the cost of your procedure is your weight or size of your belly. It is easy to understand that one with a bigger belly would require more time spent for all medical staff than the one that needs a mini abdominoplasty.

You can find from time to time packages that will not take into consideration the time spent but it is rather difficult.

The usual other factors that will affect the cost of your abdominoplasty are:

- the anesthesia 

- the surgeon's consultation and surgery fees

- the lab tests that are often mandatory before the procedure

- the clinic premises

- medication and garnment.

How much does a tummy tuck cost in some countries?

1. Tummy tuck cost in USA

In average a tummy tuck costs around 6540$ in the US with huge discrepancies from West coast to the center of the US.

2. Tummy tuck cost in Israel

The country is reputed for the quality of its procedures though it is still the most expensive country in the world with an average price above 21000$ for a simple tummy tuck.

3. How much does an abdominoplasty costs in cheap countries?

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You can have a tummy tuck in Tunisia for less than 2500$, it would be around 3900$ in Turkey for an abdominoplasty package, 2900$-3300 in Lithuania for an average tummy tuck.

Mexico or Thailand or even South America are not so cheap and you may opt for Europe such as reasonable prices for a tummy tuck in Poland for instance. Hungary or Prague have good tummy tuck packages.


What shall I consider to be prepared for the procedure?

You are expected to immediately feel the pain and discomfort immediately after surgery. Pain can be alleviated by pain medications. Bruising and swelling will also appear around the affected area, which should disappear within a few days.

Even if you feel a little bit sore, you will be encouraged to walk as fast as possible. You will be given a supportive elastic garment that you will put on, it is recommended that the wound is kept dry and clean in order to prevent infection, and medical staff will give you follow-up instructions.

The tummy tuck surgeon will also ask you:

  • Take photographs
  • Discuss your options
  • Recommend a course of treatment
  • Discuss likely outcomes of the tummy tuck and any risks or potential complication

According to Doctor Kremer from the university of Budapest, the stitches made around your navel will be removed on day 10 or 14 after surgery, any stitches that are done internally will be dissolved and as time goes on, the body will absorb it (up to 90 days).

Your release from the hospital depends on the extent of the surgery. It is possible for you to be discharged on the same day of the operation and you can also stay in the hospital for two to three days.

Abdominoplasty prices breakdown in different countries

Check list of main cost factors of a tummy tuck

First of all let's check what is include the various tummy tuck fees?

- Doctor's fees and surgeon team fees

- lab fees

- anesthesia fees

- night(s) spent a the clinic

- clothing and medicine

Second let's check what affects the final cost of tummy tuck

- location, local currency and clinic processes

- lab fees if include or not

- night stay in the clinic

- your own case: the size of your belly might require more time spent for the surgeon

Third, if abroad what shall i consider as options or additional fees to know the final price?

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If you go abroad or even elsewhere in your home country, you have to add:

- transportation and eventually taxi transfers from airport

- apart from clinic nights include in clinic packages you have to include nights stayed in hotel. Please note that from one clinic to another there are a lot of discrepancies in terms of lenght of stay. If you have to comply to clinic own regulation, this point can be discussed in your planning provided you will get the proper discharge documentation to go back home.

Here is a reminder of key consideration for your abdominoplasty job in 2024:


Surgeon’s Expertise: Highly experienced and reputable surgeons may charge more for their expertise.

Location: Prices can vary significantly based on where the procedure is performed. Urban areas or regions with a higher cost of living might have higher prices.

Type of Tummy Tuck: The extent of the procedure can affect the cost. A full tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, or extended tummy tuck will have different price points.

Facility Fees: The fees associated with the surgical facility or hospital where the procedure is performed can contribute to the overall cost.

Anesthesia Fees: Anesthesia administered during the surgery can add to the total cost.

Pre-operative Tests and Medical Clearances: These may be required and add to the overall expenses.

Post-operative Care: Medications, post-surgical garments, and follow-up appointments can affect the total cost.

Additional Procedures: If combined with other cosmetic surgeries, the price will increase accordingly.

Insurance Coverage: In some cases, if the procedure is deemed medically necessary, insurance might cover some costs. However, cosmetic surgeries are often not covered.

The cost of tummy tuck surgery (worldwide) differs all over the world. It is mostly in the United States where it costs $ 9950 and much less in overseas countries such as Brazil (starting at $ 5,600) and Poland (starting at 3900 euros). The tummy tuck cost procedure is reasonable in Hungary for a starting price at 2900 euros and in Costa Rica at 4000 $. One of the cheapest places for Tummy Tuck is Malaysia, where the operation is available for $ 3,200 in some offers.

Thailand tummy tuck offers are very different from one clinic to another but in average starting price is around 4800$.

Tummy tuck offers in Greece and some special offers for abdominoplasty in Turkey remain very good destination as well as in average starting prices are below 4000 euros.

The 2022 and 2023 inflation has shown that an average of 25% by the end of 2023. 2024 abdominoplasty prices shall be the same than those of 2023.

The inflation explanations is mainly the salary increase of medical team. We haven't really noticed in 2023 any equipment price augmentation.

What are the causes and so somehow some factors that may affect the final price?

  • Pregnancy
  • Prior surgery
  • Significant fluctuations in weight
  • Aging
  • Heredity
  • Bariatric surgery performed some months before


From those questions your plastic surgeon will take into consideration:

  • You are physically healthy and at a stable weight
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You are a nonsmoker
  • You are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen

What Are The Popular Countries For Tummy Tuck?

•  Hungary

•    India

•    Turkey

•    Greece

One shall also add Mexico and Thailand in terms of volume but prices are very different from one clinic to another.

As usual, India and especially Sri Lanka remains the cheapest place where to have your tummy tuck performed.

Is A Tummy Tuck Procedure Safe Abroad?

Tummy tuck procedure is safe generally very few complications are involved which can only appear after the surgery. Some common complications are blood clots, infections, and anesthesia reactions. These risks are associated with any procedure and can easily be overcome. The risk of complications is very low and does not exceed 2%.

Some questions that are rarely asks but that might affect the final price of your tummy tuck procedure:

 Ask us about the treatment now

  • How long of a recovery period can I expect, and what kind of help will I need during my recovery?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
  • How are complications handled?
  • How can I expect my stomach to look over time? After pregnancy if I am a woman?
  • What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of my tummy tuck?
  • Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for this procedure and what results are reasonable for me?
  • Are you certified or the clinic ISO or JCI accredited?
  • Were you specifically trained in the field of plastic surgery?
  • How many years of plastic surgery training have you had?
  • Do you have hospital privileges to perform this procedure? If so, at which hospitals?
  • Is the office-based surgical facility accredited by a nationally- or state-recognized accrediting agency, or is it state-licensed or Medicare-certified?
  • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
  • What will be expected of me to get the best results?
  • Where and how will you perform my procedure?
  • What surgical technique is recommended for me?

You will have to ask to the surgeon:

  • Your surgical goals
  • Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drug use
  • Previous surgeries

Tummy tuck is one of the most frequently performed operations in the world because of the availability of cost-effective therapy in countries such as India and various options for different body types such as full or mini abdominoplasty.

 Abdominoplasty is a time consuming procedure that depends of your anatomy and requires one night in clinic in most protocols. Therefore the cost is higher than standard other plastic surgery procedure. The rising inflation in beginning of 2022 has hit badly some medical providers and so patients while others have decreased their pricing thanks to their currency most of the time. In 2023 it seems prices have increased by 6% in average but not in 2024.

Updated 01 01 2024