The smile is one of the most representative and important facial features. When a person is not happy with the shape or look of his/her teeth, he/she may have self-esteem problems, difficulties to socialize with other people and even problems in the relationship with his/her partner.
In fact, the cosmetic dental procedures are more common every day, and the experts are constantly developing new ways of treatment to achieve the best results for each patient. Likewise, the technology doesn't stop advancing and new and better methods can be used to recover or create the desired smile.
The veneers are considered as one of the most common cosmetic dental procedures because they help to improve and change the aspect of the teeth surfaces, creating a straighter and whiter smile.
Emax veneers are defined by the Crown Dental and Pearls Dental Clinic experts as a type of all-ceramic dental restoration that has the advantages of offering better aesthetics and long-lasting results than traditional veneers.
The experts say that Emax veneers success is due to the fact that they offer basically the same benefits that normal veneers (creating a straight, white smile, by covering the natural teeth with a synthetic laminate), but with extra strength, durability and an excellent translucent color, which allows the patient to achieve the best and more natural results.
The Emax veneers strength is due to the method used for their fabrication. The dentist takes the patient's dental impression to create a wax veneer with the desired shape and design. After that, those wax veneers are molten and subjected to much pressure with the porcelain to produce the final veneer.
The veneers obtained by using this procedure have a high strength and durability, and they can be used over teeth without any prior preparation. This last characteristic helps to avoid teeth damage.
The Emax veneers are considered a variant of porcelain veneers because they are made from a single block of Lithium Disilicate ceramic. This is a new glass ceramic material that dentists are using to create dental crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays which are more resistant than traditional porcelain veneers.
There are many options to perform the cementation of Emax veneers. In fact, the experts at Invoclar Vivadent say that regular cement (like glass ionomer) can be used. However, the dentist will apply enough material to achieve a proper cementation material thickness and the best mechanical retentive design.
Another important aspect that the cementation of Emax veneers must have is that the material used must have a proper flexibility degree.
Among the main advantages of Emax veneers, there are the long lasting and natural restoration results, the fact that they are 3 times more resistant than conventional porcelain or ceramic veneers, the result is very harmonic with the rest of the teeth and the facial structure, no one notices that it is a restoration because they don’t have silver metal structures, they help to avoid the wear of the other teeth, among others.
Likewise, the Emax veneers procedure takes less time to be completed than the traditional veneers procedure. The patient usually only has to go to two sessions to complete the procedure.
On the other hand, although there are no disadvantages properly said from using Emax veneers, the patient can experience some drawbacks. For example, if the Emax veneers are badly placed, the procedure will cause more troubles than benefits because little spaces between the veneer and the tooth can create cleaning troubles and there will be accumulation of bacteria and food in the space.
Another disadvantage of Emax venners is that it is always very important to look for a properly qualified dentist to undergo an Emax veneers procedure, but finding a good doctor who specializes in this area is not always easy. Likewise, due to the innovative character of this procedure and the difficulty to find a qualified doctor, it is usually more expensive than traditional veneers, but the results are long-lasting, so it can be a good cost-benefit relation.
Only a qualified dentist can determine which veneer is best recommended for each patient according to his/her particular needs. However, Zirconia and Emax veneers are more frequently used than porcelain veneers nowadays due to their higher strength and good-looking results.
The cost of the Emax veneers is widely variable, and it will depend on the number of teeth that must be treated, the underlying dental conditions of the patient, the need of performing other dental treatments, prior preparation to the procedure, among others.
So, if you are interested in undergoing an Emax veneers treatment, please contact us at and we will gladly answer all your questions and find the best dentist to undergo this treatment in your area.